The Generation Game

Posted in Latest News on 14 Sep 2016

Older lawyers are enjoying up to 10 times more flexibility than younger legal professionals according to research carried out by Douglas Scott Legal Recruitment. 10% of lawyers aged 55 and over worked in some part from home compared to 1% of those aged 30 or below and 21% of lawyers aged 55 and over worked flexible hours compared to 11% of their younger counterparts. On average 15% of the legal profession work flexible hours.

Naturally it is not the only facet of working life where there are contrasts.

Younger lawyers are marginally more satisfied in their work than older lawyers with the latter group more likely to be on the look-out for a new job.

And nearly half of over 55’s commute by car compared to a third of legal professionals under the age of 30, with 1 in 5 of the latter group walking or running to work compared to 1 in 20 of the former.

Comparison table
  Lawyers <30 Lawyers >55 All legal profession
Satisfied in job 62% 57% 45%
Changing jobs in 6 months 32% 39% 32%
Commute by car 32% 48% 41%
Walk or run to work 17% 4% 11%
Home working 1% 10% 2%
Flexible working hours 11% 21% 15%


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