In-House Events

As well as offering the best job roles for the In-House Legal industry, we also host a number of Roundtable events that allow In-House experts to network and to gain industry knowledge.

Hosted in conjunction with top legal experts and on topics at the forefront of the legal market today, these events are a great opportunity to better understand the In-House sector.

We hold one every quarter, and you can secure your place here, or by getting in touch via

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Check out one of our previous events: Making the Big Move In-House. Featuring Jovane Spence, Legal Counsel at JD Sports, Andrew Williams, Deputy Legal Director of the Department for Transport and Juliet Johnson, Group Senior Legal Counsel at Hempel Group.

Our in-house team sat down with some industry leading in-house lawyers to discuss the implications and processes involved when moving from private practice to an in-house legal role. They explored the benefits and considerations for people considering the move either now or in their respective futures.

You can also read an article, written by The Law Society, featuring Tom's insights on the In-House job market here.