Posted in News on 29 Sep 2016
Until recently Solicitor profiles on the Law Society Find a Solicitor site contained very basic regulatory detail:
Main practice name
Main practice address
The Law Society is now encouraging law firms and Solicitors to provide further information that will enable them to effectively market their services to clients. As well as editing their best contact telephone number and email address, law firms can now craft tag lines and summaries, individual Solicitors can add tag lines and biographies.
The tagline is a 140-character (twitter inspired no doubt) summary to encourage potential clients to contact you. The example provided by the Law Society goes like this 'Advice on buying & selling property, family matters, handling personal injury claims and protecting property and other assets.
The Summary paragraph is a free-text field that provides law firms with an opportunity to provide an overview of their main practice areas, credentials, case studies, awards and anything other selling points. Firms wouldn’t go far wrong utilising the copy from the about us page on their website to create a consistent cross-platform message.
The Biography field is for individual Solicitors. Similarly, this is an opportunity to shine a light on expertise, case studies, key strengths and selling points. Think about what you have to offer prospective clients and pop it in the shop window.
Firms and individual Solicitors can also add social networks and blogs to their profiles.
The facility is available now; here is a link to the Law Society’s guidance Get help with the Find a Solicitor profile form
Despite this being an opportunity to provide some stand out on the site we might not see a flood of profile updates, from firms in particular. This is because detailed online profiles become another thing to maintain and update. Time is of course money and spend can only be justified if firstly firms have visibility of the amount of web traffic the site is generating and second, there is enough of that to warrant the investment.