Posted in Latest News on 3 Nov 2013
31st October saw a first when TV cameras recorded proceedings in one of the highest Courts in England and Wales.
Lord Dyson is a fan and in defence of television in court he was rolling out words like "prurience" and "pusillanimous" - a semantic challenge for the Countdown audience let alone Jeremy Kyle's. Prurience - we have discovered - is defined as "a strong or morbid interest in sex" but we are not going to go near "pusillanimous" for fear of repeating it five times may unlock the gates of hell.
Having secured rights to broadcast sentencing remarks, the consensus is that TV coverage of full proceedings in Magistrates and Crown Courts is on its way. Next up; scheduling - ITV3 or Dave maybe? Sandwiched between repeats of "You've Been Framed" or "Porridge"? That may actually be the easy bit - what sort of pitch will it be to advertisers?