Posted in Latest News on 24 Sep 2012
It's that time of year when trainees approaching the end of their training contracts are starting to think about their first job post qualification. For many the cycle of applications, interviews, offers and in some cases the unfortunate knock backs starts up in earnest.
With almost every firm having had to scale back recruitment at some point in the last 2 years, NQ roles are harder to come by. And with more entrants into the industry now than ever before, competition for those roles is rising.
For those unable to secure the role they want it can be a difficult time, and working in legal recruitment we can appreciate that more than most.
But all is not lost! The lack of an NQ role to walk into post qualification does not necessarily spell disaster. There are 3 very realistic steps that NQ's in this position can take that we think would actually prevent promising legal careers from stagnating:
The worst thing you can do is let your head drop. You have just completed 2 years of rigorous training, and you have succeeded. Don't forget you were successful in getting the training contract in the first place, so there is no reason to suggest you will not be able to come through another application process once more.
Yes the deadlines may have passed, but candidates may accept offers but then be unable to start, offers may be held but then be rejected. And not all law firms operate on the same deadline. Workloads cannot always be predicted and you never know, some firms may require an intake of NQ's outside the traditional time period. Keeping yourself informed is key.
Part time, locum, in house?there are plenty of other options out there that NQ's could consider that would make use of their training whilst at the same time giving them valuable work experience. If there is relevant work out there and you take it up, not only will it keep you in employment but it will also serve to build your CV and experience. That way if and when you come to apply in the next round of applications, you will be putting yourself in a much stronger position.
Particularly on the last point is where specialist legal recruiters such as Douglas Scott could help. We can advise on the different opportunities available to you, suggest alternatives and put you in front of the right people that will keep your career moving onwards and upwards.
This is a busy time in the industry, and if we can advise clients OR candidates in any way to help smooth the recruitment process along, we would be delighted to hear from you.