Get to know? Law Care

Posted in Latest News on 9 Apr 2013

We covered LASPO and Jackson off in the February edition of Always the First. The government was not persuaded otherwise, and the predicted fallout has just raised its ugly head! The legislation will have a 'jobs negative' impact; if life in legal was not hard enough already, it may be about to get tougher for some! So who do Lawyers turn to when their problems start to get the better of them?

Law Care is an advisory and support service helping business owners, legal professionals and their immediate families to deal with health problems, such as depression and addiction, and related emotional difficulties. Law Care has helped over 4,000 Lawyers with problems such as these. 75% complained of suffering from intolerable stress and/or clinical depression often brought about by the expectations on them or uncertainty about their future careers. 15% were finding themselves abusing alcohol, often citing stress early in their career as leading to their alcohol addiction. 10% were finding their lives made miserable by bullies; colleagues or superiors who deliberately obstructed them from doing their job or belittled their abilities and efforts.

Law Care offers the opportunity to discuss health issues and problems which are interfering with, or have the potential to interfere with, work performance and/or family life and to seek help in resolving the problem in its early stages. The service is free and entirely confidential.

Law Care provides a confidential, Freephone helpline 365 days a year. You can call them on 08002 796 888 and they are open 9am - 7.30pm on weekdays and 10am - 4pm at weekends and on Bank Holidays. If you are calling on a mobile, you would be better off using the landline (01273 461 901).

Law Care's comprehensive website is and you can find a wealth of information here on health issues ranging from addiction to eating disorders. You can also access the Law Care Wellbeing Portal, an online tool to help you monitor, analyse and deal with the stress in your personal and professional lives.

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